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August 12th, 2006

Sugasm Changes

Katie Spades shows us voting is sexy.

Voting for the Top 3 Posts

There’s been some changes made with the Sugasm so I thought I’d give people a heads up.


We’re starting a little experiement. For Sugasm #42 we are inviting Sugasm participants to vote on the top 3 submissions of the week.

Submissions this week close Thursday at 11:59 PST. Friday we will list the posts for your perusal. Vote for your three favorite posts and send your selections to editor(at)sugasm(dot)com Please vote via email and not in the comments.

The three posts with the most votes will garner the top three positions in the upcoming Sugasm. Sugasmers are always welcome to post the entire Sugasm but for Sugasm #42 you will only be required to post the top three voted posts.

New dates to remember:
-Submission deadline is Thursday 11:59pm PST
-List of links to vote on goes up Friday
-Voting will start Saturday and end Sunday at 11:59pm PST.
-New Sugasm will be posted Monday.

Posted by Vixen as Sugasm at 11:07 PM CDT

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