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August 13th, 2006

Evangelicals Are Addicted to Porn

Evangelical christians who love porn.

Not that I’m in any way surprised…

From Sys-Con Media:

ChristiaNet Poll Finds That Evangelicals Are Addicted to Porn

“HOUSTON, TX — (MARKET WIRE) — 08/07/06 — If there could be one place protected from the cancerous infection of pornography and sexual misconducts, one would assume that the Christian church would be that sanctuary. But, recent research is revealing that no one is immunized against the vice-grip clutches of sexual addictive behaviors. The people who struggle with the repeated pursuit of sexual gratification include church members, deacons, staff, and yes, even clergy. And, to the surprise of many, a large number of women in the church have become victim to this widespread problem. Recently, the world’s most visited Christian website,, conducted a survey asking site visitors eleven questions about their personal sexual conduct.”

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:37 PM CDT

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