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October 12th, 2007


“I’ve been imagining I’m an anorexic model who can’t eat.”
-regular client who likes to crossdress

This one totally blew me away. I wasn’t sure what to say. Anorexia is sexy? I don’t get it.

Posted by Vixen in Quote Book

This entry was posted on Friday, October 12th, 2007 at 10:58 pm and is filed under Quote Book. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Huh?”

  1. whatsername says:


    Didn’t you see this?


  2. Shasta Gibson says:

    Prehaps it’s the sense of (self) control? The depravation? He might associate certain emotions or ideas with anorexia, not necessarily relating directly to the disease itself.

    It might work similarly to a rape fantasty, which most people find disgusting. It’s not the *reality* of rape that is sexy, it’s the loss of control, the helplessness, etc.

    Just my 2 cents of course :)

  3. Vixen says:

    WHN-Yes I did! Very distrubing indeed.

    SG-You make a good point. I think that may be it.

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