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April 27th, 2009

My So Called Digital Detox

TV Turnoff Week/Digital Detox

A week ago I blogged about TV Turnoff Week and Digital Detox Week.

How’d I do? First off I tailored the digital detox idea. I still took calls and used my laptop for PSO work and blogging. But I tried to minimize the amount of time I spent online and I didn’t use my iPod as much as I normally do.

I managed to cut down on my web surfing but I definitely could have cut down more. Me and the dog went on hikes but we do that anyway. While working on knitting projects I enjoyed the silence instead of listening to tunes. And I got more knitting done which rocked.

Questioning why I was online was helpful. I often start off reading something interesting but then 45 minutes later I’m reading something that doesn’t even relate anymore. Trying to cut down my time on the computer made me use my online time more efficiently.

Digital detox went out the window yesterday while I read about this swine flu drama. After a few hours I had to take a news break. But when a big news story breaks apparently you’ll find me planted in front of the computer, surfing away.

But overall it was a good experiement. I think I’ll try Digital Detox Week again next year.

Posted by Vixen as Activism at 10:03 PM CDT

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