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April 28th, 2009

Sex News Round Up

Sex news round up

From Yahoo News:
Craigslist founder isn’t closing ‘erotic’ section
“The founder of Craigslist does not plan to close the “erotic services” section of the Web site despite criticism that has intensified after a medical student was accused of killing a Boston masseuse who advertised there.

Craig Newmark contends his site already allows users to flag inappropriate material they believe should be removed.”

I say good for Newmark for keeping the erotic section in Craigslist. Yes it can be dangerous but so are a lot of things. It fills an important need. Some of my clients use Craigslist for casual sex hookups, not to mention the many sex workers who use it.

Found via Violet Blue:
Lacy Threads and Leather Straps Bind a Business
“In Pakistan, a flogger is known only as the Taliban’s choice whip for beating those who defy their strict codes of Islam.

But deep in the nation’s commercial capital, just next door to a mosque and the offices of a radical Islamic organization, in an unmarked house two Pakistani brothers have discovered a more liberal and lucrative use for the scourge: the $3 billion fetish and bondage industry in the West.

Their mom-and-pop-style garment business, AQTH, earns more than $1 million a year manufacturing 2,000 fetish and bondage products, including the Mistress Flogger, and exporting them to the United States and Europe.”

This article was pretty interesting. I had a friend who sold leather fetish clothing for a few years. He started off buying from a US wholesaler but eventually moved to having the clothes made in Pakistan to cut down on expenses.

From Skindalous:
Woman Hires Stripper to Impersonate Her at 10 Year Reunion
“This is so brilliant! Andrea Yay decided to hire a stripper to impersonate her at her 10 year reunion. The stripper dawned a wire, while Andrea sat in a hotel room -watching & hearing everything- while simultaneously telling the stipper who was who, and what to say to whom. Hilarity ensues! She filmed the whole thing as a documentary, called ”I Remember Andrea”.”

This is such an awesome idea! The preview clip is pretty funny. Her website is here.

From the New York Times again:
Faked Evidence of ‘Gay Conversion’?
“Did Masters & Johnson fake their evidence that they’d successfully “converted” more than 70 percent of men and women who were dissatisfied with their homosexuality? That claim was made in the 1979 book, “Homosexuality in Perspective,” by William Masters and Virginia Johnson. But it’s questioned in Thomas Maier’s new biography of the sexologists, “Masters of Sex.”


When the clinic’s top associate, Robert Kolodny, asked to see the files and to hear the tape-recordings of these “storybook” cases, Masters refused to show them to him. Kolodny—who had never seen any conversion cases himself—began to suspect some, if not all, of the conversion cases were not entirely true. When he pressed Masters, it became ever clearer to him that these were at best composite case studies made into single ideal narratives, and at worst they were fabricated.”"

I studied human sexuality in college and faking study evidence is so…wrong…oooh it just pisses me off and I can’t think of anything witty or intelligent to say about this story. Bah!

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:20 PM CDT

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