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July 7th, 2009

Sex News Round Up

Sex News Round Up

Found via Insider Escort Secrets:
Amsterdam considering bank help for prostitutes
“Amsterdam city council is turning its attention to a pressing problem for one of the city’s key business sectors — banking and credit for prostitutes who can’t get accounts from mainstream institutions.

The city’s red light district is famed the world over for its women in tiny windows and even tinier clothing, but despite the trade being legal, many banks shy away from taking the ladies on as customers.


The council is expected to come to some sort of conclusion within the next two months on what it might do to help the industry.

It will not, however, establish or sponsor a “sex bank” as reported by a local paper.

“It’s more that we’re going to investigate and talk with bankers and try to set up a system in which they can get a loan or credit,” the spokesman said.”

There’s credit unions for teachers. I’d like to see one for sex workers someday.

From CBC News:
Canadian HIV vaccine ready for human tests
“An HIV/AIDS vaccine developed in Canada has passed safety tests in animals and the researchers are awaiting approval to begin human trials in the U.S.


Kang said he expects to get the go-ahead soon from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to begin human toxicology tests and two phases of clinical trials in the United States.

If all three trials are successful, the vaccine should be available within the next decade, Kang told CBC News on the phone while attending a meeting in South Korea.”

Could there really be a vaccine for AIDS during my lifetime? Wow, I hope so.

Found via Scanner:
Thinking About A Career in Porn?
““Getting in is the easy part. Surviving once you’re in, that’s what the business is really all about.”

Porn star Monica Foster has launched a website called Getting Into Porn, which teaches women exactly how to make an adult film career happen.

[FYI– you may want to hit mute before entering the website. There’s no way to stop the spoken intro that starts automatically. Ugh.]”

There’s some good info on Foster’s site. Part of her advice on doing porn could apply to sex work as a whole-”Only do in porn what you are comfortable doing. If you find yourself unable to work in the porn industry sober, then it’s time to move on to another occupation.”

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:45 PM CDT

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