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July 18th, 2009

Wardrobe Malfunction

JT Stockroom latex tank top and leggings

Recently I did a prodom session. Before the play time began my client and I were going to dinner. I had picked out the perfect dress-classy enough for a fancy restaurant but hippie enough to reflect my personality.

About an hour before the session I started getting ready. Hair and make-up were done first. Then I slipped on my dress and looked in the mirror. My stomach flipped over. It was too big! The bodice fabric was floppy and my cleavage was non-existent.

In the last couple years I’ve lost some weight. It’s nothing too dramatic-after all most of my clothes still fit. But I have dropped down in dress size. I’ve also dropped two cups in bra size.

Looking in the mirror I knew I couldn’t wear the dress to dinner. It made me look like a sloppy hippie and nothing like a mistress. Not to worry I thought=I’ll just grab my strapless bra. A few months ago I had replaced all my bras but had forgotten about my strapless one.

As soon as I put it on my stomach did another flip. My breasts barely filled the cups. There was only twenty minutes before my client was supposed to arrive and I didn’t have anything to wear! There was no time to go buy something new. I felt so panicked. For a moment I had a wild plan to stuff my bra with toilet paper to fill out the cups. Thankfully I didn’t try that.

But then I remembered packing my overnight bag. Didn’t I throw in a second dress right before leaving? I ran over to my bag and dug through it. There it was, rolled up next to my knitting. I quickly dressed and checked myself in the mirror. My breasts fit the bodice and the dress wasn’t baggy. There was a tie around the neck so I could even adjust it to get great cleavage. Whew-the session was saved!

It was a stressful moment but I learned an important lesson. Always try on the session outfit well in advance of the actual session. And always bring a spare outfit just in case.

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 11:41 PM CDT