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July 30th, 2009

Sex News Round Up

Sex News Round Up

From Newsweek:
Only You. And You. And You.
“Terisa and Matt and Vera and Larry—along with Scott, who’s also at this dinner—are not swingers, per se; they aren’t pursuing casual sex. Nor are they polygamists of the sort portrayed on HBO’s Big Love; they aren’t religious, and they don’t have multiple wives. But they do believe in “ethical nonmonogamy,” or engaging in loving, intimate relationships with more than one person—based upon the knowledge and consent of everyone involved. They are polyamorous, to use the term of art applied to multiple-partner families like theirs, and they wouldn’t want to live any other way.”

There’s nothing really new in this story. I’m just happy to see a mainstream news story treat an alternative sexuality with respect.

From Express Buzz:
‘No’ to escort led to Arzoo Ali’s murder
“It was her denial to ‘oblige’ a desperate junior artiste which led to the murder of Arzoo Ali who was found dead at Sindhuri Lodge in Ramgopalpet recently.

Referring to her as a high class call girl, sleuths of North Zone task force team on Wednesday arrested Jangam Rajeshwaraiah alias Raju for the murder of the 25-year-old and a mother of two. Raju, a junior artiste and a resident of Shaikpet, brutally killed Arzoo simply because she refused to have sex with him.”

Another sex worker falls victim to violence. I’ve got nothing to add. It’s just sad.

From Times Online:
Sudanese woman risks flogging over ‘indecent’ trousers
“A woman journalist is taking on the feared Sudanese morality police to challenge the country’s draconian laws on public dress, insisting on being tried for the crime of wearing trousers in public and risking a punishment of 40 lashes.


At the time of her arrest Ms Hussein was wearing long, loose dark green trousers, a colourful thigh-length shirt and a patterned green hijab or Islamic headscarf. She wore the same outfit to her court appearance yesterday.”

Wearing the same outfit to court is a clever touch.

Posted by Vixen as News, Sex Workers at 11:49 PM CDT

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