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January 6th, 2010

A Birthday Connection

Some years I turn off my phone for my birthday. But if I’m having a mellow birthday I’ll leave it on. Today was like that. To celebrate my bday I stayed home and played with yarn all day. It was wonderful. The Fantastic Foot Slut called and we had a nice chat while I knit a sleeve for Mr. Radical’s latest sweater. FFS couldn’t call during the holidays and was so happy I picked up. So was I.

A couple of years ago I connected with a client because of my birthday. The client was a tough regular. I’ll call him Bored Man.

BM always acts like he bored and irritated. He likes me to talk constantly. If I pause to take a sip of water he’ll complain. “Hello? Are you still there?” he’ll say though he has to know I haven’t hung up.

He never seems satisfied with the fantasy. His is an easy fantasy-some crossdressing with a dominance storyline. BM continually edits the fantasy. He doesn’t like to talk much but will change details over and over. I try to tell a good fantasy but he never seems satisfied. At the end of every call I always wonder why he calls me back. He does though so I’m doing something right.

For my birthday that year Mr. Radical and I had celebrated earlier in the day. When evening rolled around I figured I’d turn on my phone. When BM called I was almost tempted to fake an excuse on why I couldn’t talk. Instead I decided to chat.

BM sounded more depressed than his usual bored and annoyed mood. I asked my usual “how are you doing” opener expecting to get his usual nondescript reply.

Instead he told me that it was his birthday. BM added that he was alone so decided to call me. I told him it was my birthday too. “Really?” he asked, sounding hopeful. I told him yes it was.

Usually I don’t tell clients it’s my birthday because it weirds them out. To me it’s just a twenty minute chunk out of my day. But they feel like they’re imposing. With BM, I just had a feeling that I should tell him of our shared birth date.

My hunch paid off. BM was incredibly nice on that call. He forgot his fantasy and just talked about his life. He didn’t spill any deep dark secrets. It was more like I was a friend and he was telling me about his day-small talk with occasional sharing. At the end of the call he thanked me for the first time.

Now when he calls he’s not as annoying. BM still likes me to talk constantly and he still likes to tweak the fantasy details. But he’s polite about it and there’s a warmness in his voice that wasn’t there before the birthday call.

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 11:03 PM CST