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November 11th, 2007

Reality Check: Eating Food

View over Manhattan, New York

Balancing meals and phone calls can be tricky for a pso. I can’t count the number of times that Mr. Radical and I have sat down at the table, picked up silverware to eat and the phone has rang. What to do? Do I eat and turn down the call or do I ignore my grumbling stomach and answer? Most times I’ve answered. But I’ve had to learn how to manage food and phone calls. Here’s some tips:

-Always have quick to eat foods in your kitchen. If I’m hungry and have a call scheduled I take five minutes to eat something first. Health food store cookies, cheese and crackers, salami, pickles, chips and salsa and cereal are excellent quick eats.

-Drink a smoothie while on the call. I’m a big fan of smoothies. Not only are they chock full of yummy fruits, they’re healthy and fill me up.

-Suck on Altoids or something similar. I find Altoids calm my stomach and put off hunger pangs for a bit.

-If you don’t have time to eat on a call ask the client to hold on while you take a bathroom break. If you can eat something in 3 minutes you’ll calm your stomach and won’t keep the client on hold too long. This one is a bit risky. The client may want to hear you go pee or may get upset being put on hold. Use sparingly.

-Turn the phone off for special meals. If Mr. Radical and I are having a romantic dinner or we’re going out to eat at a fancy restaurant I always turn my phone off. Stepping away from the phone now and then is an excellent way to prevent burn out.

-Learn to eat quickly. I’m in good shape and certainly no overeater but there are times I can inhale a meal like I’m at a food eating competition. This one takes time to master. If you eat too much too quickly you will upset your stomach and then you’ll feel nauseous on a call which is never good. I never practiced eating quickly. The skill just evolved over time. At first I was scarfing down some cheese and crackers before a call. Nowadays I can eat a full bowl of spaghetti in under five minutes. There is a downside to this. I often find myself eating fast out of habit. When I’m out eating I’m almost always the first one to finish my plate. I often have to remind myself to slow down and enjoy my food.

The next tip is for eating while on a call. Yes, I know it’s bad. But sometimes I’ve been talking on the phone for five hours, the client shows no sign of cumming and I’m dizzy from low blood sugar. A girl’s got to do what she can to keep the call going. Mind you if the call is for an hour or two I don’t do this.

-Learn what foods can be eaten silently. Mine are oatmeal, yogurt and biscottis dipped in coffee. Get the client to start talking, hit your mute button and take a few bites. Unmute, say something to get him talking more, hit mute again and take a few more bites. Repeat until you’ve finished your food.

Reality Check Series:
Reality Check: Getting Sick
Reality Check: Lessons Learned From Clients

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 6:31 PM CST