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July 4th, 2012

Speaking Of Freedom

Electronic Frontier Foundation

From the EFF:
Time For Members of Congress to Pledge to Uphold Internet Freedom
“Today, EFF joins a broad, international coalition of civil society groups calling on elected officials to sign the new Declaration of Internet Freedom and uphold basic rights in the digital world. The Declaration is simple; it offers five core principles that should guide any policy relating to the Internet: stand up for online free expression, openness, access, innovation and privacy. Sign it here.

For too long in the US, Congress has attempted to legislate the Internet in favor of big corporations and heavy-handed law enforcement at the expense of its users’ basic Constitutional rights. Netizens’ strong desire to keep the Internet open and free has been brushed aside as naïve and inconsequential, in favor of lobbyists and special interest groups. Well, no longer.


But right now, we are asking for your help in getting Congress to respect digital civil liberties and work for the Internet rather than against it. Sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom so we all can build a movement for a censorship-free, open, and innovative Internet. You can also join the conversation on Reddit and propose your own changes. But most importantly, at the next 2012 election campaign stop in your hometown, hand it to candidates running for office and ask them to sign it.

Tell your member of Congress: Pledge to uphold the Declaration of Internet Freedom. In the digital age, their election may depend on it.”

This is one of the many many reasons to love the EFF. I’ve signed it and you can too here.

Posted by Vixen in Activism

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