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May 28th, 2012

Homeless Veterans

Homeless Veterans

The above is from’s image they call “7 Facts About Our Veterans That Will Shock The Hell Out Of You”. I didn’t find them shocking but I did find it upsetting. If everyone who put a yellow sticker on their car instead donated to veterans charities would these statistics be so bad? I don’t think so.

Want to support the troops? There is a list of organizations that support vets here. I would also add Food Not Bombs because they provide free meals to the homeless.

Posted by Vixen as News at 10:29 PM CDT

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May 27th, 2012

Internet Defense League

Internet Defense League

From All Things D:
WordPress, Reddit, Cheezburger and Others Join New Internet Defense League
“In the hope that the online enthusiasm and organizing that helped fend off anti-piracy bills SOPA and PIPA in the U.S. Congress this year can be captured and redeployed, online activists are now founding an “Internet Defense League.”

Members sign up to receive code they can choose to include on their sites to alert visitors about a perceived threat to Internet freedom from legislation or elsewhere.

The Internet Defense League already has onboard sites that can motivate the online masses: WordPress, Imgur, Reddit, Cheezburger Network, Public Knowledge, the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Craigslist founder Craig Newmark have signed up.”

From the Internet Defense League:
“Beyond the blackout
The Internet Defense League takes the tactic that killed SOPA & PIPA and turns it into a permanent force for defending the internet, and making it better. Think of it like the internet’s Emergency Broadcast System, or its bat signal!

The Problem
Internet freedom and individual power are changing the course of history. But entrenched institutions and monopolies want this to stop. Elected leaders often don’t understand the internet, so they’re easily confused or corrupted.

The plan
When the internet’s in danger and we need millions of people to act, the League will ask its members to broadcast an action. (Say, a prominent message asking everyone to call their elected leaders.) With the combined reach of our websites and social networks, we can be massively more effective than any one organization.”

This is a brilliant idea! Power to the people baby! Plus I love the “cat signal”. Keeping activism fun is key to preventing burn out. I just joined. Want to sign up too? You can do that here.

Posted by Vixen as Activism at 10:38 PM CDT

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May 19th, 2012

Chicago Protests

Chicago Protests

Wow are the protests in Chicago against the police state are going strong. Yes, yes it’s officially against NATO but really the protests are much bigger than that. Protest news sometimes pours in so fast it’s hard to keep up. Here’s what I’ve been reading.

An article on the lead up to this weekend is a good place to start. From What Really Happened:
Chicago Militarized for NATO
“Ready or not, NATO arrived on May 19 and 20. Chicago’s in virtual lockdown. Residents feel occupied. Building occupants got special instructions.

This writer’s residence advised “leaving town between May 18 - 22.” Otherwise limit city travel. Have essentials on hand, including food and water. Consider working at home. Avoid certain parts of the city. Observe curfew and other mandates.”

From Alexander Higgins:
Martial Law In Effect – Preemptive NATO Raids Jailing Activists Without Charge
“The National Lawyer’s Guild reports that activists planning to protest the NATO summit in Chicago this weekend, where a martial law red-zone has officially been declared around the Chicago loop, have simply disappeared without a warrant or charges.


After locating the activists, the Illinois States Attorney at the station were the activists are being detained refused to meet with NLG or even discuss the reason for the arrests.

More than 24 hours later 4 of the activists were released without charge while the other 5 arrested during that raid are still being held without charge.

Despite President Obama’s promises that NDAA powers to detain U.S. citizens without charge would not be used the government is doing just that and setting a dangerous precedent of throwing activists in jail just for planning to engage in constitutionally protected free speech activities.”

After Obama signed the NDAA I had people laughingly dismiss my rants of “this means Americans can just be rounded up and disappear”. “That will never happen” they said. It is happening right now and is why I won’t be voting for Obama again or anyone that voted in favor of this fascist legislation.

The National Lawyer’s Guild is an important part of protests. I’ve seen NLG at protests I’ve been part of and encourage you to donate to them. You can do that here.

From Raw Story:
Nato protesters arrested in Chicago raid held on terrorism conspiracy charges
“Police claim the charges of conspiracy to commit terrorism, providing material support for terrorism and possession of an explosive or incendiary device, are the result of a month-long investigation into a group they believe was making Molotov cocktails. They had already been pulled over by police last week and asked about their protest plans in a stop they posted on YouTube.

Attorneys representing the men say the charges are fabricated and aimed at intimidating activists. “We cannot say enough that we believe that these charges are absolutely … very trumped up charges,” said Sarah Gelsomino of the Peoples Law Office. “Clearly in an attempt to continue this intimidation campaign on activists. Charging these people who are here to peacefully protest against Nato for terrorism, when in reality the police have been terrorising activists in Chicago, is absolutely outrageous.”

Surely the police wouldn’t arrest people on trumped up charges would they? Harumph!

Again from Raw Story:
Anti-war protesters falsely arrested in Chicago get $6.2 million settlement
“Some 800 people are to receive payments between $500 and $15,000 for false arrests carried out by the city of Chicago during a 2003 anti-war demonstration, according to the terms of a settlement offered by city attorneys on Thursday.


The settlement comes after years of litigation during which attorneys for the plaintiffs brought two class-action lawsuits that showed police allowed the demonstration to take place even without a permit, but later decided to begin making mass arrests without properly warning the crowd to disperse.

Some of the people arrested and charged spent more than two days behind bars. Over 10,000 reportedly took part in the march, and more than 500 were arrested, many for no reason at all.”

Why are people protesting NATO? Here’s a good list.
NATO: Just why are people protesting?

As usual Twitter is the best place to find up to the minute news of the protest activity. Not all tweets are true or even make sense but there’s so many lives streams posted that you can watch what is happening in real time.

@Occupy Chicago

Posted by Vixen as News, Activism at 10:43 PM CDT

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May 13th, 2012

Not A Mother

Longtime readers know I’m childfree. Most of my clients do as well. Despite this I had three clients call to wish me a Happy Mother’s Day today. Sigh. None of them wanted to book a call; they just wanted a few free minutes.

The correct PSO response is to smile and say thank you which I did. But inwardly I was groaning. One client and I have talked for years. He said I was “kind of like his mother” even though we’ve never done that type of fantasy. Try as I may to focus on the positive “they’re just being nice” angle I still am annoyed.

One client told me that “you’ll be a mother someday” when finding out that I was childfree. Isn’t assuming all women are mothers or want to be mothers part of the problem with the current war on women? Men knowing what’s best for our wombs and all that? Men don’t randomly get wished Happy Father’s Day do they? Mr. Radical never has. Or maybe I’m just reading too much into it and they just wanted an easy excuse to get a few free minutes.

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 10:22 PM CDT

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May 6th, 2012

A Different Sort Of Hymen

“It’s like I’m taking your toilet virginity.”
Even after all these years doing phone sex I still occasionally say something that surprises me.

Posted by Vixen as Quote Book at 9:56 AM CDT

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May 4th, 2012

Glasses And Chucks

Model with Glasses And Chucks

From this gallery.

Posted by Vixen as Sexy Sensations at 7:38 PM CDT

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