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July 31st, 2012

News Roundup

News Roundup

Meet Chaz the Intolerant Chick-fil-A Chicken
“Oh, Conan. How do we love you? Let us count the ways. Always ready to introduce some bizarre idea into a sketch on his show, the TV host has now introduced Chaz, the Intolerant Chick-fil-A Chicken as a response to all the hullabaloo over the faith-based fast food chain’s open intolerance toward marriage equality and homosexuality; and the Jim Henson Company’s decision to take its Muppet characters out of its kids’ meals.

As Coco explains in jest: “This has not stopped Chick-fil-A. They have just come out with a new puppet to spread the word about their delicious chicken sandwiches—and homophobia.”"

As a huge Muppet fan I couldn’t be happier about the Henson company ending it’s business relationship with Chick-fil-A. I like how the Conan show made the chicken look very Muppet like. The “eat up you godless sodomites” was my favorite line.

From CBS:
Running mate revealed: Green Party running mate, that is
“On the day before the Green Party’s presidential nominating convention, presidential candidate Jill Stein revealed her running mate to CBS News exclusively: homeless activist Cheri Honkala.

“She leads one of the country’s largest multiracial, intergenerational movements led by people in poverty, fighting poverty, homelessness and foreclosures,” Stein told CBS news. Honkala, a mother of two, and the national coordinator for the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, spent some of her days homeless. She ran for sheriff of Philadelphia on the Green Party line in 2011 and based her campaign on a platform of halting evictions.”

I had planned to vote Green last presidential election but once McCain picked Palin I decided to vote for Obama. With Obama signing the NDAA into law I’m not voting for him again. I’ve decided to vote third party and am thinking of going Green this year. Two female candidates…wouldn’t that be amazing if they actually won? A girl can dream.

From Common Dreams:
Unrest in Anaheim Continues: Riot Police Arrest Protesters Outside of Disneyland
“Protesters continued to express outrage in Anaheim, Calif. on Sunday in the ninth consecutive day of protests following two fatal police shootings last week. Police once again exhibited a heavy handed response to the protests, arriving in paramilitary riot gear and blocking protesters outside the gates of Anaheim’s Disneyland Resort, leading to nine arrests.

Unrest in Orange County’s largest city erupted last week following the killing of unarmed Manuel Diaz, 25, on July 21, and the killing of Joel Acevedo, 21, the following night, both by Anaheim police.”

The pics and video coming out of Anaheim are intense. It looks more like a war zone than a community right now. Signs of the impending police state? Eek.

And finally here’s some conspiracy theories on the Colorado Batman shooter. Now I hesitated to post about it at first because not everything has a sinister conspiracy behind it. But two interesting facts really make me suspect all is not as it seems in the Holmes case.

First up is the eyewitness testimony contradicts the official story. You can watch that account here. And second Holmes’ father is a senior citizen at FICO and is supposed set to testify at the LIBOR banking scandal hearings. Isn’t that interesting? You can watch more about that here. Of course Alex Jones has a lot to say about this. You can watch a video of him talking about it here.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:05 PM CDT

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July 26th, 2012

Anti-Pagan Propaganda

Anti-Pagan Propaganda

From the Wild Hunt:
I Have No Plans to Kidnap Your Man
“The Epping Forest Guardian reports that someone has been stuffing leaflets in local homes accusing Pagans of wanting “to abduct a male member of the public for use as part of their rituals” this Lammas. Pagan Federation representative Mani Navasothy is not amused by this local smear campaign.”

Part of me just laughs off this kind of news. Really? People believe that I’m on a manhunt and will kidnap some hunk to use for my heathen rituals? And for Lammas? Of all the Pagan holidays they’re choosing Lammas for this rubbish? At least pick May Day where some Pagans celebrate the holiday sexually. (having sex in the May field for example) But what would I do with a kidnapped man for a harvest ceremony? Make him cut the turkey? Or set the table? Oh the inhumanity!

But then the other part of me thinks about how some people take this seriously. I remember wearing my pentacle in the Midwest. It felt like an act of rebellion back then. I would have to be on guard when wearing it because often I’d get offensive questions thrown my way. I’d have to debunk tiresome stereotypes-no I’m not a Satanist, no I don’t sacrifice children, etc. The scariest encounter I had happened in college. I was walking across campus and a campus preacher came up to me screaming. He stood in front of me, inches in front of my face, and screamed that I was going to burn in hell. I want to say I held my ground and stood up to him. But I was young and naive and it scared me shitless. I said nothing and ran off as soon as I could get away.

Slowly but surely we’re breaking down these stereotypes. I am still amazed at what crazy things people think we Pagans do. Like the Pagan Federation spokesman said, “If anything we just go for walks in the wood.” Yeah that may sound boring but it’s pretty spot on. My most spiritually enlightening moments often occur while I’m taking a solo walk in the woods while meditating. The bad stereotypes about Pagans are way more over the top than the reality.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:56 AM CDT

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July 17th, 2012

Oh Really?

“You’re kind of like a succubus.”
-new client

Posted by Vixen as Quote Book at 11:32 PM CDT

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July 14th, 2012

Upskirt In Park

Upskirt in park

From this gallery. I always like it when the models look like they’re having fun. Another pic in the gallery has her throwing devil horns which was funny.

Posted by Vixen as Sexy Sensations at 10:57 AM CDT

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July 9th, 2012

Supreme Court Roundup

Supreme Court

From NPR:
Supreme Court Has A Term To Remember
“The justices of the U.S. Supreme Court have fled Washington, leaving in their wake a storm of historic headlines. In the last 10 days alone, the high court upheld the Obama health care law, struck down much of the Arizona immigration law and ruled unconstitutional mandatory sentences of life without parole for juveniles convicted of murder.

Chief Justice John Roberts is in Malta, a place that, as he pointed out, is “an impregnable island fortress.” He puckishly observed that it “seemed like a good idea” to go there after the tumultuous end of the Supreme Court term.”

There’s been a lot of Supreme Court news. This NPR article gives a nice roundup.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:42 PM CDT

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July 4th, 2012

Speaking Of Freedom

Electronic Frontier Foundation

From the EFF:
Time For Members of Congress to Pledge to Uphold Internet Freedom
“Today, EFF joins a broad, international coalition of civil society groups calling on elected officials to sign the new Declaration of Internet Freedom and uphold basic rights in the digital world. The Declaration is simple; it offers five core principles that should guide any policy relating to the Internet: stand up for online free expression, openness, access, innovation and privacy. Sign it here.

For too long in the US, Congress has attempted to legislate the Internet in favor of big corporations and heavy-handed law enforcement at the expense of its users’ basic Constitutional rights. Netizens’ strong desire to keep the Internet open and free has been brushed aside as naïve and inconsequential, in favor of lobbyists and special interest groups. Well, no longer.


But right now, we are asking for your help in getting Congress to respect digital civil liberties and work for the Internet rather than against it. Sign the Declaration of Internet Freedom so we all can build a movement for a censorship-free, open, and innovative Internet. You can also join the conversation on Reddit and propose your own changes. But most importantly, at the next 2012 election campaign stop in your hometown, hand it to candidates running for office and ask them to sign it.

Tell your member of Congress: Pledge to uphold the Declaration of Internet Freedom. In the digital age, their election may depend on it.”

This is one of the many many reasons to love the EFF. I’ve signed it and you can too here.

Posted by Vixen as Activism at 8:47 PM CDT

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