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December 20th, 2006

iBuzz Two Review

Like Dr. Honeydew in the laboratory I’ve been dutifully testing out my new toy. But first-

ibuzz two

Look it’s a little bunny backpacker hiking up Orgasm Mountain!

The iBuzz Two concept is a clever one. The vibes pulse along to the music on your iPod. The volume control turns up the power of the vibe. My volume was turned up about a third to start the bullets buzzing. The silver bar along the top gives you various buzzing speeds. Two bullets mean more fun for solo pleasure or two people get to play. You can hook one or two earbud sets into it.

ibuzz two

Here’s the iBuzz Two all hooked up.

The wires are a bit of a spaghetti monster in this pic. Once you get used to them though they’re not a hindrance. I wish it could be wireless but then again I want the iPod earbuds to be wireless too.

ibuzz two

A close up of the vibrating bullets. The vibrations are good. The buzz matches the bass of a song. Figuring out how a song will vibrate out is the funnest part of this toy. Some songs were an obvious choice, some surprised me.

My favorite songs to buzz to:
-Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode-because I’m just a pervert
-Know Your Enemy by Rage Against the Machine-that band is hot hot hot without any vibration but even better with one
-Various Peaches songs-she’d appreciate it I think
-I Touch Myself by the Divinyls-saw it on the iBuzz web commercial and couldn’t resist

But the best song to rock out to? Enya’s Memory of Trees-nice steady pulse and it’s more of an uplifting masturbatory experience.

If you get the iBuzz Two drop me a line and share your sexy music buzz list with me.

Posted by Vixen as Sex Toys, Reviews at 5:59 PM CST