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December 21st, 2006

Spread Your Wallet For $pread

$pread magazine illuminates the sex industry.

$pread Magazine needs our help. Their store is gone and they’re owed a big chunk of change needed to produce the next issue. This magazine absolutely rocks and needs to keep publishing. $pread’s a rarity-they actually represent sex workers. Even better they don’t limit themselves to one type of profession-escorts, web cam chicks, phone sex operators, prostitutes, porn stars and more are all represented.

If you can, please spread your wallet to help support $pread. They are one of my favorite magazines and I hope you’ll join me in helping them out.

Read more about $pread’s situation here and find more info about helping at their donation page.

While I don’t have the traffic of Boing Boing, I do have traffic I could send your way. If you donate to $pread and have a blog or website send me an email telling me that you donated and I’ll give your site a shout out in a future post.

Posted by Vixen as Musings, Activism at 11:54 PM CST

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