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December 27th, 2006

Buddha Boy Returns

Buddha Boy Returns

From eKantipur:
‘Buddha Boy’ Bomjon found in Bara jungle

“NIJGADH, BARA, Dec 25 - Ram Bahadur Bomjon, popularly known as the Buddha Boy, who had disappeared from the jungle of Ratanpuri in Bara district, nine months ago, has reappeared nearby the area.

The 17-year old teenager Bomjon, who had been “meditating without any food or water” in the jungles of Ratanpuri village in the district had disappeared under unknown circumstances in March this year and was found in the jungles near Pathlaiya-Nijgadh road section of the Mahendra Highway on Sunday.

Local villagers who had been out hunting found Bomjon in dense forest located 5 km west of the highway yesterday night.

Bomjon appeared before the media and local villagers this afternoon in the same place.

His disappearance got widespread national and international coverage after news reports about his sudden abandonment of the meditation site at Charkose Jhadi of Ratanpur area in the district, where he had reportedly been meditating without food and water for ten months, were made public.”

Posted by Vixen as News at 10:03 PM CST