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September 18th, 2007

The Famed Toilet

larry craig

From The Idaho Statesman:
Tourists flock to Minneapolis airport men’s room

When you go to Minneapolis, you might put the Mall of America, the statue of Mary Tyler Moore or maybe even the zoo on your list of things to see.

Now tourists are asking about a new destination in the Twin Cities, says Karen Evans, information specialist at the information counter at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport.

A common request is, “Excuse me, can you please tell me where the Larry Craig bathroom is?”

Evans was just 15 minutes into her shift Friday afternoon and already had heard the request four times.

“It’s become a tourist attraction,” Evans said with a smile. “People are taking pictures.”

This is the funniest thing I’ve read all day. I love that the “Craig bathroom” has become a tourist destination. Someone should start selling tshirts. “I went to Larry Craig’s bathroom for some cheap gay sex and all I got was this tshirt.”

Posted by Vixen as News at 9:47 PM CDT

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