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March 5th, 2008

Clinton Camp Changes Obama’s Skin Color

Clinton ad darkens Obama's skin tone

Found via What Really Happened:
Was Obama darkened in Clinton ad?
“The Hillary Clinton camp has been accused of deliberately darkening the skin of opponent Barack Obama in a new ad.

The controversial footage has been compared to images shot of Obama during a debate in Cleveland last week - with critics claiming a screen grab used in the Clinton has been altered to highlight his race.

A posting on the liberal website DailyKos shows the two images side by side.”


“Even if you accept that as normal practice, its still a dirty one, and it takes on a more charged meaning when you’re using it to attack someone in your own party whos already fighting against a lot of racism in the false Muslim smears, the posting said. This is, at best, the worst of politics as usual.”

Now what would the reaction be if the Obama camp featured an ad with Clinton all femmed up? They could take the angle where they make her look like a ditzy girl.

Posted by Vixen as Political Rants, News at 5:21 PM CST

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