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March 12th, 2008

Desiree Alliance Call For Presentations

Desiree Alliance

Thinking about sharing an abstract, workshop, or training at the 2008 Desiree Alliance conference? Got something to teach other sex workers? Why not submit a presentation idea?

Sex Worker Conference In Chicago July 16-20, 2008

On July 16-20 of 2008, hundreds of sex workers and sex worker activists will converge on Chicago at the Desiree Alliance Conference:

“Pulling Back the Sheets: Sex, Work and Social Justice”

Deadline for submissions: Friday March 21st, 2008

Email submissions to: [email protected] or call: 1-866-525-7967 extension 702 for assistance.

All presentations will be considered, and confirmation will be provided by April 11th for all submissions.

A Proposal should include:

Title for your presentation

Affiliation with an organization or social justice movement you’d like to have listed

A short paragraph with your background and experience in sex work or the sex workers rights’ movement

A one paragraph summary of the workshop or presentation (four to eight sentences)

The time frame needed to present, whether 15 minutes, half-hour or an hour.

Please include whether or not you will need any technical support, such as a projector or AV, etc.

We are accepting practical workshops from all genders and working backgrounds including, but not limited to the following subjects:

Advocacy/Outreach, Court Support and Solidarity, Fundraising/Grant-writing, Self-Defense Training, Planning for Retirement, Protecting Our Families, Health & Safety Issues, How to Run a Business, Direct Services, Substances in the Workplace, Strategies for Alternatives to Criminalization, Policy Reform, Grassroots Organizing, Building Community, Labor Organizing, Lobbying, Media Training, Wellness Leadership from Sex Workers, Technical Training for the Web, Marketing Strategies for Organizing and Sex Work, Screening Clients, Policies related to Sex Work and, Bridging International Sex Work Communities, Workshops about Clients, Allyship with the Prison Reform Movement, Impacts of Criminalization and Incarceration on Our Community, John Schools, Impacts of End Demand and Anti-Trafficking Policies, Media Advocacy Toolkits, Federal Law and Sex Work, Issues Specific to Trans Sex Work Communities, Resisting Oppression, How to be an Ally to…. Sex Workers.

The Desiree Alliance is a diverse, volunteer-based, sex worker-led network of organizations, communities and individuals across the US working in harm reduction, direct services, political advocacy and health services for sex workers. We provide leadership development and create space for sex workers and supporters to come together to advocate for human, labor and civil rights for all workers in the sex industry.

Posted by Vixen as Activism, Sex Workers at 9:27 PM CDT