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March 27th, 2008

Woman Made To Remove Nipple Piercings In Airport

Found via Poe News:
Woman claims airport security agents in L.A. forced her to remove nipple ring with pliers
“A woman said Thursday she was forced to remove a nipple ring with pliers in order to board an airplane in Texas, and demanded a civil rights investigation as well as an apology from federal security agents.”


“Hamlin said she was trying to board a flight from Lubbock to Dallas on Feb. 24 when she was scanned by a Transportation Security Administration agent after passing through a larger metal detector without problems.

The female TSA agent used a handheld detector that beeped when it passed in front of Hamlin’s chest, the Dallas-area resident said.

Hamlin said she told the woman that she was wearing nipple piercings. The women then called over her male colleagues, one of whom said she would have to remove the body piercings, Hamlin claimed.”


“Hamlin said she heard male TSA agents snickering as she took out the ring. She was scanned again and was allowed to board even though she still was wearing a belly button ring.”

I’m surprised the detector beeped. Both Mr. Radical and I have body piercings and have never had a metal detector go off. Mind you we’ve never been scanned by the handheld ones. I understand Hamlin’s difficulty. Piercings can sometimes be hard to take piercings out and can often be painful. And that’s just in a calm state. Being nervous and under the eyes of TSA agents must have made it ten times worse.

Posted by Vixen as News at 11:06 PM CDT