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May 14th, 2008

Sex Workers Grind The Vote

Sex workers grind the vote

$pread presents…
Grind the Vote: Sex Workers From Pole To Poll
“From the Bay Area to the Big Apple, sex workers are organizing for political and economic justice. It’s time to organize our sex worker electorate into a political force and “Grind the Vote!”

We already have voter registration events scheduled for New York City and Washington DC, but we need you to help us Grind the Vote all over the country! Volunteer to organize an event in your city or town, email infoatspreadmagazinedotorg”

This is an exciting development. I would love for sex worker rights to become a more talked about political issue. Is it possible? Definitely. Not too long ago politicians would never talk about gays, let alone gay rights. I’d like to see sex worker rights get taken seriously by the candidates.

Posted by Vixen as Activism, Sex Workers at 10:07 PM CDT

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