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June 27th, 2012

Sex News Roundup

Sex News Roundup

I’ve had several emails asking me to review 50 Shades of Grey. I looked into it and wow does it look bad. But I had no idea how bad until I stumbled upon Bizzybiz Blog’s hilarious review. She is reviewing a handful of chapters at a time. Not only does she rip the Grey book a new one she throws in hilarious comments on top of it. Here’s a few fun ones:
“”CHRISTIAN GREY: MASTER PIANIST. He is probably also secretly the Pope, the head of the IMF…no scratch that. He’s Jesus. Sexy Jesus.”

“So here is what Christian Grey comes to the hardware store to buy: cable ties, masking tape, rope. It’s a goddamn BDSM shopping list. STOP FORESHADOWING EVERYTHING. STOP IT. STOP.”


You can find all the 50 Shades posts here. I’m really hoping she reviews the entire trilogy because I’m having a blast reading her so far.

From the Santa Fe New Mexican:
Governor: New Mexico anti-prostitution laws need updating
“New Mexico state laws aimed at fighting prostitution are outdated and need to be fixed to help authorities go after online sites that promote prostitution, Gov. Susan Martinez said Monday.

Martinez told The Associated Press that she will ask state lawmakers during the next session to pass new legislation making online sites linked to prostitution illegal.”

When I first saw this headline I thought-yeah I agree, the laws do need updating. That’s as far as Gov. Marinez and I agree. She of course wants tougher laws to make more things illegal. I of course want prostitution decriminalized. The SWC case makes a handy example to justify more laws against the sex trade.

Found via Tits and Sass:
Hey Ho! Backpage Protesters Hit Village Voice on the Hottest Day of the Year
“, owned by the Village Voice, is one of the more controversial web enterprises: according to some reports, it hosts 70 percent of the web’s sex ads. On Wednesday night, there were two protests outside the Voice’s offices in Cooper Square. One was led by radical feminists and evangelical Christians who compare Backpage to a pimp, hoping to shut it down the way Craigslist’s “adult services section” was shut down. The other protest was led by Backpage users: escorts, dommes, and rent boys, who say shutting down the site will run them out of business or onto the streets.


One of those Attorneys General, Rob McKenna of Washington state, is the architect of policy that threatens not just Backpage, but free speech online. In an amendment to Washington State Senate Bill 6251, Mr. McKenna aimed to make Backpage illegal by criminalizing any individual or company who “knowingly publishes, disseminates, or displays, or causes directly or indirectly, to be published, disseminated, or displayed, any advertisement for a commercial sex act, which is to take place in the state of Washington and that includes the depiction of a minor.””

Melissa Gira gives a nice account of the protest and then makes an excellent transition to the bigger picture. I also like her comment-”It wouldn’t be a protest without a drum circle”. I totally agree.

Posted by Vixen in News, Reviews, Sex Workers

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