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September 23rd, 2007

Sex Work And Religion: The Pagan And The Jew

Saint Mary Magdalen

As a Pagan December 25th is just another day for me. However, since most stores are closed I tend to stay home and enjoy a quiet day. I make a point to leave my phone on though. Why? It’s not like I get many calls. But usually I get one call that day. And holiday calls tend to be distinctive.

One Christmas a new client called. I’ll call him Christmas Client. We had a great first call. CC wanted to do a role play where he smarted off to me in a store. Then I bent him over a table and spanked him. Spanking fantasy calls are some of my favorites. He was creative and responsive. The fantasy was a fun one that we both enjoyed. It turned out to be a strong first call.

But the best part happened after he came. CC was one of those guys that like to chit chat after orgasm. He commented that he was surprised I was working that day. I said I was Pagan so today was just a normal day. CC responded that he was Jewish so he wasn’t celebrating Christmas either.

We talked longer about being non-Christian during the year’s’ biggest Christian holiday. Despite being from two different religions we had a lot of similar experiences. After being wished a Merry Christmas for what felt like the thousandth time that December both of us had some gripes to air. I try to be very accepting of other religions but sometimes I just need to blow off some steam. So did CC. We bonded over being pressured to “just celebrate Christmas anyway”.

CC is one of those “irregular regular” clients. I tend to hear from him once, occasionally twice, a year. He’s called me again on Christmas and we’ve again swapped our “Christmas survival” stories. I tell him of being preached to at Wal-mart. He tells me of friends giving him Christmas presents for Hanukkah because “they’re the same holiday anyway”. Sharing our stories relieves the stress we of different religions often feel around Christmastime. It feels good talking to someone that can relate.

Sex Work And Religion Series
Sex Work And Religion: Monotone Man
Sex Work And Religion: Sacred Pussy, Controlled Womb
Sex Work And Religion: The Violent Priest

Posted by Vixen as PSO Confessions at 11:25 PM CDT

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