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October 4th, 2009

Two Is Enough Book

Two Is Enough Book

Seal Press sent me the book Two Is Enough: A Couple’s Guide to Living Childless by Choice by Laura S. Scott to review. I’ve always known I didn’t want children but for some reason I’ve never read a childfree book. Maybe I figured I was already decided on the children issue so why read one? But this book got my attention.

Here’s some info from the book description and press release:

“Fall in love. Get married. Have children. For most couples, marriage and children go hand in hand. And yet, the number of people choosing childlessness is on the rise. These are the childless by choice—people who have actively decided not to have children—rather than the childless by circumstance. In Two Is Enough, Laura S. Scott explores the assumptions surrounding childrearing, and explores the reasons many people are choosing to forgo this experience. Scott, founder of the Childless by Choice Project, examines the personal stories of people who have faced this decision and explores the growing trend of childlessness. Scott’s expert knowledge and analysis offer a picture of the childless by choice—who they are, why they’ve chosen to remain childless, and how they’ve had these conversations with loved ones. Honest and unapologetic, Two Is Enough recognizes the challenges of being childless in today’s society and offers suggestions on how that same society can change to make room for the childless and the childfree.

“I love our life, our relationship as it is, and having a child won’t enhance it.”

This is just one of the many motives Laura S. Scott uncovered in her interviews with childless by choice couples. In Two Is Enough, Scott tells her own story, as well as others’ who are joining the growing number of couples opting out of parenthood. Honest and unapologetic, Two Is Enough challenges the notion that parenthood is inevitable, or essential for well-being and happiness. For those who are childless by choice or by circumstance, Scott offers ways to manage the pressure and questions from family and strangers alike in a culture that idealizes parenthood. For everyone else, she creates a space to consider and evaluate what a childfree life really looks like.”

Posted by Vixen as Reviews at 10:42 PM CDT