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October 5th, 2009

Sex News Roundup

Sex News Roundup

From AVN:
Gingrich Group Mistakenly Honors Another Adult Entrepreneur
“Dawn Rizos, owner of Dallas topless club The Lodge, was apparently so taken by the fact that Newt Gingrich’s American Solutions group had chosen to honor her as an “Entrepreneur of the Year”—complete with an invitation to dine with Newt at the Capitol Hill club next week—that she shot off the $5,000 the group needed to confirm her participation.


But we know how this story ends because it isn’t the first time it’s happened. Tuesday, Rizos got the news from a marketing company hired by American Solutions. There had been a mistake; the invitation had been proffered in error and had to be rescinded. Everyone was terribly sorry.

Now Rizos knows how Allison Vivas of Pink Visual feels. Vivas got a nearly identical handwritten invitation, and a nearly identical brush-off, almost as if it were happening on purpose.”

I’m starting to wonder if this is happening on purpose myself. Maybe some pervert in the group thinks it’s funny to embarrass Gingrich and company this way?

From Carnal Nation:
Your STD as a Work of Art or Warm Fuzzy
“British artist Luke Jerram has created a series of hand-blown glass sculptures of microbes, including HIV (pictured right), H1N1 influenza, and others. With these complex pieces, Jerram seeks to explore the ways that disease come to have meaning both in science and human understanding. In consultation with virologists from the University of Bristol, the artist and his assistants create designs from scientific photographs and then carefully blow the individual components for the final three-dimensional installation. Jerram describes his project as follows: “It’s great to be exploring the edges of scientific understanding and visualisation of a virus. I’m also pushing the boundaries of glassblowing… So there’s a very careful balancing act that needs to take place, between exploring current scientific knowledge and the limitations of glassblowing techniques.” Watch a video of the artist at work after the jump.”

The article also mentions the HIV plushie. Personally, I’m creeped out by cute plushies that are actually diseases. A nurse friend of mine thinks they’re hilarious and has the small pox and flu ones.

Strip club dancer killed outside her Everett apartment
“A dancer was attacked and killed outside her Everett apartment building early this morning, shortly after she finished work at a strip club in Stoughton, authorities said.

The bloody body of Sheila Santos, 26, was found near the back entrance of her brick apartment building on Main Street. Investigators believe she was killed shortly after leaving work at 1:15 a.m. at Alex’s in Stoughton, putting her time of death between 1:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. At an afternoon press conference, Middlesex District Attorney Gerald T. Leone Jr. would not say how Santos had been killed or speculate about a motive.”

Sadly, another name is added to the victims’ list.

From Moorabbin Glen Eira Leader:
Brothel offer discounts for seniors week
“Saucy senior citizens can receive a generous discount at Melbourne brothels next week.

As thousands of old-timers celebrate national Seniors Week, those who present their seniors’ discount card at some brothels and escort services can mark the occasion in an entirely different way.

Brothels aligned with Australian Adult Entertainment will offer discounted services from October 4-11.


“Many senior members of the community already use our member’s services, whether visiting a brothel or having an escort visit their place of residence, including aged care residential centres,” Mr Albon said.”

This is pretty cool!

Posted by Vixen as News at 7:19 PM CDT

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