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October 12th, 2009

Gays March On DC

There’s a lot of good videos from the DC march for gay rights. But my favorite is the one above. The cast of Hair sings Let the sun shine in, one of my favorite songs.

You can catch more videos here.

Will Obama honor his promises to the gay community?

From the New York Times:
Obama Pledges Again to End ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
“President Obama on Saturday renewed his vow to allow gay men and lesbians to serve openly in the military, but failed to offer a timetable for doing so — an omission likely to inflame critics who say he is not fighting aggressively enough for gay rights.


In the nine months since, Mr. Obama has made only limited progress on the issues that are important to gays. He has pushed for hate crime legislation, and a bill, approved in the House on Thursday, now appears headed for passage. He has put forth a package of domestic partnership benefits for federal workers, but faced criticism that the effort did not include health benefits. He has said he would push to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act, which allows states to refuse to recognize same-sex marriages in other states, but it remains on the books.”

If he doesn’t I think he’ll lose a lot of support from the gay community come 2012. I hope DOMA gets repealed at the very least.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 7:52 PM CDT

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