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December 11th, 2010

News Roundup

News Roundup

From What Really Happened:
Feast in Time of Plague: Wall Street Art of Sucking Money
“I am re-linking this video to make a point. The Wall Street CEOs are not acting like bankers, They are acting (and spending) like drug lords!”

The title links to the actual YouTube video. I couldn’t find the WRH permalink. If this video doesn’t make you’re blood boil watch it again until it does.

From Natural News:
U.S. war veterans being killed with high-dose psychiatric drugs
“Questions are being raised over whether a widely prescribed anti-psychotic drug may be contributing to the deaths of traumatized U.S. war veterans.

Among those who recently died while taking AstraZeneca’s blockbuster drug Seroquel are Marine corporals Andrew White and Chad Oligschlaeger. Both were being given multiple drugs, including Seroquel, for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Both died in their sleep.”

I know a couple of vets that believe the VA tried to kill them. More attention should be paid to how the military treats veterans after they return home from war. Often it’s not a pretty tale.

From Prison Planet:
Taiwanese Animators Take On TSA Patdowns
“Taiwanese animators have taken on the recent uproar over the TSA’s patdown policy in a new comedy short mocking the TSA and Michael Chertoff, among others.

The video, equipped with subtitles, shows just how ridiculous the conversation is getting over American air travel.”

This is from last month but it’s still funny.

From Huster Magazine:
Coincidences or Conspiracies?
“Beltway muckraker Wayne Madsen charts the dubious demises of the dynasty’s enemies.

What are the odds that an appreciable number of people who had opposed the Bush administrations or knew too much about the Bush family’s shady past all suffered mysterious deaths, most of them ruled suicides? Of course, lists of suspicious deaths have been produced before as a way to tie past Presidents to the untimely demises of their enemies. Right-wingers compiled a rather questionable list in order to tarnish President Bill Clinton. However, given the sordid past of George H.W. “Poppy” Bush, the number of baffling deaths of people who threatened to expose corruption by him and his sons (including George W.) is remarkable and may be more than coincidental.

Some individuals made front-page headlines when they died (notably Senator Paul Wellstone, ex-CIA Director William Colby and Enron’s Cliff Baxter), while others remain largely unknown to the general public.”

It’s always good to review these kinds of lists. There’s a lot of suspicious activity in the link above. Though I disagree about the Clinton list-some of the deaths on that list seemed plausible to me. A trail of bodies doesn’t follow party lines.

Posted by Vixen as News at 9:37 PM CST

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