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December 20th, 2010

Moon Eclipse

Red moon

From the Washington Post:
In a rarity, both lunar eclipse and winter solstice to occur Tuesday
“There are not many days like Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. Take it from people who know - astronomers. There was maybe one day like this Tuesday in the past 2,000 years.

On Tuesday morning, astronomers say, there will be - or depending on when this is read, was - a total eclipse of the moon. And on the very same day, the winter solstice arrives.”

I’ve been running in and out looking at the moon. As a Pagan I’m so excited about this special occurrence. It feels so magical tonight! It seems to have started early too. My friend A called and said “go outside it’s starting”. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen until another hour or so. I love how people get excited over eclipses-I know I do!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 11:58 PM CST

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