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April 5th, 2012

Sissified Ken

My friend Kelli is a fellow knitter. She’s started making sissy clothes for Ken. Check out the awesome:

Sissy Ken

Ken is rocking this look!

Sissy Ken

Every girl needs cute accessories.

Sissy Ken

But once Ken gets home from shopping the dress comes off:

Sissy Ken

So sexy!

Sissy Ken

She sells her Barbie clothes and is thinking of making a line for Ken dolls as well. I told her to go for it!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 8:50 PM CDT


March 25th, 2012

Blog Anniversary

Fireworks Celebrating the 4th of July, Miami, Florida, USA

Last Tuesday was my seventh blogging anniversary. I’ve been caught up with non-RV projects and forget my anniversary. But wow, seven years. I’m not sure how long I’ll go but for now I’m still here. Thank you blog readers!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 11:29 PM CDT


March 16th, 2012

Revisiting American Idiot

Green Day American Idiot

I loved Green Day’s American Idiot so much I saw it again. This time I went with a couple girlfriends to Denver to see it. The show is still kick ass and revolutionary!

Of course the NYC version with sex god Billie Joe as St. Jimmy was better. (obligatory OMG that man is so fucking sexy comment here) But the Denver version still rocked. The actors were good, the singing was great, the choreography a delight to watch. The stage wasn’t as high up but that didn’t hurt the performance. I was relieved that Extraordinary Girl was performed with the two actors in the air. And just like the first time I cried during the Time Of Your Life encore. Last Night On Earth was performed on the stage instead of a raised platform like in NYC. The scene still was hauntingly erotic.

There’s so much to love about this musical-the music of course, the live band on stage, the grunge costumes, the angst, the sex, drugs and rock and roll. I bought the soundtrack after seeing it this time and have been grooving out to it for days. I also loved how the audience was filled with cute punk rockers. Being surrounded by Manic Panic’d hair, piercings, punk band tshirts, high heels and fishnet stockings-now that’s my kind of theater experience!

Just as before I highly recommend this musical! You can check out the tour dates here. My original American Idiot post is here.

Posted by Vixen as Musings, Sexy Sensations at 11:56 PM CDT

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November 4th, 2011

Almost Back To Blogging

So I’ll admit to getting totally sucked into Occupy Wallstreet news. For days I’ve been getting all my news through Twitter hashtags. When a friend asked why I still hadn’t responded to her email from last week I had to admit my inbox and blog were sorely neglected.

I’ll be back to blogging soon but in the meantime here’s two funny videos:
Stephen Colbert’s Plot to Co-opt Occupy Wall Street Foiled by Ketchup and Justin

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 11:12 PM CDT

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September 10th, 2011

A Valid Point

sarcasm 2021

I’ve been seeing the above graphic on Facebook a lot the last few days. It makes an excellent point.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:19 PM CDT

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June 2nd, 2011


I was typing up a blog post tonight when I got some food cravings. I wanted bacon and chocolate. Then I wondered-why hasn’t anyone put bacon in a chocolate bar? That would be delicious. One Google search showed me it exists:

bacon chocolate bar

Mo’s Dark Bacon Bar: applewood smoked bacon + Alder wood smoked salt + dark chocolate”

This looks delicious!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:24 PM CDT

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May 12th, 2011

A Short Conversation About Whores

Whore Magazine

This week I got the latest issue of Whore Magazine in the mail. The magazine comes in a flat, stiff envelope and wouldn’t fit in my mailbox so I had to pick it up at the counter.

“Oooh look where this package is from,” the postal lady teased. I looked at the envelope and saw the large print of “Whore Magazine” in the return address spot.

“That’s a great magazine!” I countered as I felt my face go a little pink. I’m all for reclaiming the word whore but I do live in a small town and was feeling a little embarrassed right then.

“I’ll have to take your word for it,” she answered. I inwardly chided myself for feeling embarrassed. This was just friendly banter. And besides there’s something funny about getting a package from “Whore Magazine”.

I told her it was “post-feminist” and she smirked. Ironically this issue has an article titled “What is Feminism?”

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:51 PM CDT

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March 20th, 2011

Blog Anniversary

Fireworks Celebrating the 4th of July, Miami, Florida, USA

Today is my sixth blogging anniversary. When I started back in 2005 I had no idea how long I’d blog for or if anyone would even read it. But here I am six years later-woot!

Thank you to my blog readers, to those who’ve emailed me and the affiliates who’ve sent me goodies to review and give away. Here’s to another year of Radical Vixen!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 12:08 PM CDT


February 6th, 2011

The Only Game That Matters Today

Puppy Bowl

Jesse Cox told me I had to watch the Puppy Bowl this year. I was skeptic at first but tuned in today. ZOMG the cuteness!!! They have chicken cheerleaders too. Plus they promote animal adoption. I’m a fan.

Squee-They have a kitteh halftime show!

CNN covered the game:
The other big game this weekend: Puppy Bowl
“Canine chaos reigns at the Puppy Bowl, Animal Planet’s adorable response to the other big game this Sunday.

What started seven years ago as a network space-filler is now an annual event watched by more than 8.6 million people. Executive Producer Melinda Toporoff said no one expected such a tremendous public reaction.


Aside from boosted ratings, the Puppy Bowl — a mock football game played by puppies drafted from shelters across the country — offers help for homeless animals.”

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 5:15 PM CST

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January 6th, 2011


A Birthday Is Not Any Excuse

I’m fine with getting older, I just don’t want to act older. It’s my birthday so I’m off to play with yarn!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 9:56 PM CST

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December 24th, 2010

Hyperbole and a Half

Hyperbole and a Half

Since Ghastly’s Ghastly Comic has sadly faded I’ve been searching for a new web comic. (You can still scroll through his archives though!) I think I’ve found it-Hyperbole and a Half. It’s hilarious and often I’ll laugh so hard I cry. Her Christmas comic The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas was awesome! I don’t want to ruin the plot so I’ll just say it’s super funny.

My favorite strip so far is This is Why I’ll Never be an Adult. I find myself quoting her “Going to the motherfucking bank like an adult” often.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 11:13 PM CST

1 Comment »

December 20th, 2010

Moon Eclipse

Red moon

From the Washington Post:
In a rarity, both lunar eclipse and winter solstice to occur Tuesday
“There are not many days like Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. Take it from people who know - astronomers. There was maybe one day like this Tuesday in the past 2,000 years.

On Tuesday morning, astronomers say, there will be - or depending on when this is read, was - a total eclipse of the moon. And on the very same day, the winter solstice arrives.”

I’ve been running in and out looking at the moon. As a Pagan I’m so excited about this special occurrence. It feels so magical tonight! It seems to have started early too. My friend A called and said “go outside it’s starting”. I wasn’t expecting anything to happen until another hour or so. I love how people get excited over eclipses-I know I do!

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 11:58 PM CST

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November 19th, 2010

American Idiot

Green Day's American Idiot

One of the highlights of my NYC trip was seeing Green Day’s American Idiot. My friend M suggested I see a musical while there and I knew it had to be American Idiot.

The show was fucking amazing. I totally fan girled out and cried through the whole thing. That doesn’t mean it’s sad-I was just so happy I couldn’t help it. My fingers were tingly too. As corny as it sounds if felt like a spiritual experience it was so damn good.

From the Amercan Idiot Musical site:
“The smash-hit, Tony Award®-winning AMERICAN IDIOT is Broadway’s most exciting new musical. The New York Times calls it, “thrilling and emotionally charged, as moving as anything on Broadway!” Based on Green Day’s Grammy® Award-winning multi-platinum album and featuring the smash hits “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”, “Holiday” and “21 Guns”, AMERICAN IDIOT is the story of three lifelong friends, forced to choose between their dreams and the safety of suburbia. Their search for meaning in a post 9-11 world leads them on the most exhilarating journey of the Broadway season.”

The stage was so punked out and the themes were so raw the whole thing felt radical and revolutionary. But it got even better. I was fortunate to see the musical when Green Day lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong played the role of St. Jimmy. He only did it for a week and I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time. When he first appeared on stage the audience Screeeeeamed. It was awesome. Seriously, getting to see this sex god up close?

Green Day's Billie Joe Armstrong

Goddess that man is yummy. It was beyond spectacular to see Billie Joe play St. Jimmy. He played the role with a wicked prankster tone which I think rocked. The experience felt like part rock concert/part musical/part political activism/part performance art. I was high on fangirl excitement for days and days.

I can’t recommend this musical highly enough. It was awesome, radical, revolutationary, mind blowing, damn enjoyable and worth every penny. I’d see it again if I was in NYC in a heartbeat.

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:48 PM CST


October 26th, 2010

Holy Bible Purse

I won the coolest prize at Kink Academy’s open house during my NYC trip-a Holy Bible purse! ZOMG!

Holy Bible Purse

When the Kink people announced they were hosting a contest with prizes I hopped right up. I love prizes. It was actually a deepthroating contest. I can’t remember the woman’s name who gave a deepthroating demo before the contest but she was really good at it.

Now, many women don’t like admitting this but I’ll fess up-I’ve never been good at deepthroating. My gag reflex is strong. I’ve tried doing the toothbrush on the back of the tongue trick but no luck. The demo though proved really helpful. My trouble had been I was always tilting my head up when I should have been tucking my chin down. I never would have guessed that. We used bananas for the contest.

Holy Bible Purse

All the contest entrants won prizes. There were other goodies but when I saw the bible purse I snatched it up.

How could I resist? I mean really-the jokes write themselves:

Holy Bible Purse

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:33 PM CDT

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