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December 3rd, 2009

New Jackie Adshead Art

Jackie Adshead

Jackie Adshead’s Queyntes art got a fall write up in Jade magazine. Good for her! She links to a pdf version through her website:
The Amazing Fantasy Fannies of Jackie Adshead
“As an Erotic Artist, Jackie Adshead has always felt that it is important to create art with hidden or humorous undertones. She loves her artwork to have an instant rapport - one that people can strongly relate to and which brings out the sensuality that appeals to a large extent to women. With this aim in mind, she has proudly started a project that explores this to the full.

And since she believes a piece of art should try to convey some form of message on more than one level she wanted to create a conversation piece that also contained the ultimate delicious private joke!

So this is the underlying thought behind her ‘Fantasy Fannies’ collection of paintings; a celebration of womanhood being bright, vibrant and colourful abstracts of their most innermost secret places.”

She’s started a new theme-Tarses. It’s an Old English word for male genitals. Jackie says “They are the ultimate intimate male portrait, fun and innovative, masculine and powerful.”

After reading the article I thought of the wedding I’m planning on attending next year. These would make clever wedding presents. I haven’t met the groom yet so asking for a picture of his penis feels a little awkward.

I’ve blogged about Jackie before here.

Posted by Vixen as Sexy Sensations at 1:42 AM CST