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December 4th, 2009

Granny’s Flu Remedy

Granny's Flu Remedy

I’m sick with either a cold or a light flu this week. To sooth my throat I’ve been taking Granny’s Flu Remedy once a day.

Who’s Granny? When Mr. Radical and I first lived together we had a roommate named T. His grandmother was quite a character. T’s family was quite extended and she gave her remedy to all.

One time she taught me how to make it. It’s pretty simple.

Mix together:
1/3 honey
1/3 lemon juice
1/3 rum

I asked her for more specifics-1/3 of what? A cup? A tablespoon? Granny winked at me and told me I should fill up a cup with a third of each. How sick I was would determine the size of the cup. She was such a pistol. I hope I’m that spunky when I get old.

Granny’s Flu Remedy works great too. The honey soothes the throat, the lemon juices supplies Vitamin C and the rum makes you not care that you’re sick. It tastes best when warm.

My cup above is a twist on her recipe. I couldn’t find rum or lemon juice so I worked with what I had. I mixed 1/3 honey, 1/3 lime juice and 1/3 whiskey.

It did the trick. Now if only there was a drink to stop the running faucet that is currently my nose…

Posted by Vixen as Musings at 10:22 PM CST