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December 29th, 2006

Fetish Fridays: Furries


Furries is an interesting fetish because it is so unique. It is one of the fetishes I have never talked about on a call.

From Wikipedia’s entry on Transformation

Furries, also known as anthros (short for anthropomorphic animals), are usually depicted as half-human, half-animal hybrids, with the appealing characteristics of both highlighted. Furries are usually bipedal and have the ability to walk, talk, think, and essentially do anything like a human. Many in the TF community, even those with an interest in TFs other than animal, adopt a made-up identity as a furry, known as a fursona. Like the TF community, not all Furries are involved with the fetish aspects of anthropomorphic media. There are some large differences between the communities, and a great number of furries do not consider themselves part of the TF community. However, the overlap is broad enough to warrant mention on this page. For more on this distinction, see Yiff: Debates and Sex and furry fandom.”

The LA Alternative Press has an older article about Furries that I think is worth a read:
My Life As a Furry

Fetish Fridays
Fetish Fridays: Sploshing
Fetish Fridays: Robot Sex
Fetish Fridays: Humiliation
Fetish Fridays: Glory Holes
Fetish Fridays: Shoe Fetish
Fetish Fridays: Achoo!
Fetish Fridays: Tickle Fetish
Fetish Fridays: Doggy Boy
Fetish Fridays: Smoking Fetish
Fetish Fridays: Latex Love

Posted by Vixen in Fetish Fridays

This entry was posted on Friday, December 29th, 2006 at 12:55 pm and is filed under Fetish Fridays. You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

3 Responses to “Fetish Fridays: Furries”

  1. stealth says:

    I totally got that right on Cranium…huge bow

  2. Evil Bender says:

    I have to admit that I find furries somehow disturbing. There aren’t many fetishes that I can’t at least see how someone could get into, but I must say I completely don’t get it with furries.

    Part of this is probably because I’ve known some people who were into it, and was not impressed. But that’s not a good reason to be completely weirded out by the whole thing. Is it simply because it’s weirdly like zoophilia, or is there some other reason that this particular fetish strikes me as so odd? I can’t figure it out.

    Happy New Year, Vixen! I hope you’re having a lovely evening and that 2007 will be better than 2006 in every way.

  3. Vixen says:

    Stealth-Hey you. Glad you enjoyed. I like your “favorite of the year” pic.

    EB-Hello you. I’d love to get a furrie call so I could ask them some questions. It’s one of those fetishes I just don’t understand and I think that’s why I find it so interesting. Happy New Year to you too and hopefully we’ll see each other soon.

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